Case Study: Palmetto Subacute Care Center (December 2021)

Concierge: Marialcira Hernandez
Patient’s Age: 85 years old
Admission Date: 09/09/2021
Discharge Date: The patient has no discharge date
Discharged to: Patient resides in this facility
Reason for Stay: COVID-19 Pneumonia

Details of Experience:

Mrs. Navarro was admitted at Palmetto Subacute Care Center on September 9th, 2021, from Baptist Hospital due to COVID-19 pneumonia. She went to the Emergency Room on September 5th with shortness of breath, cough, decreased appetite, and weakness. After some time at the hospital, Mrs. Navarro was referred to a Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Facility in need of Physical and Occupational Therapy. Before her hospitalization, Mrs. Navarro lived in an apartment with a friend and was able to perform all activities of daily living (ADL’s) and ambulate using a rolling walker with independence.

Upon admission, Mrs. Navarro was greeted by the Concierge, Nursing, and Therapy teams. The team worked together to ensure all her needs were met and she was comfortable. Upon initial evaluation, Mrs. Navarro presented with weakness, decreased functional mobility, assistance during bed mobility, transfer and gait, poor endurance to activity, and decreased balance. The team and Mrs. Navarro established her goals and treatment plan according to her needs and started her rehabilitation journey immediately.

Mrs. Navarro quickly adapted to the community. She enjoys participating in daily activities, and she loves arts and crafts, cooking, and karaoke. She encourages other patients to participate in activities and enjoys talking with them and the staff. She has a special friendship with her roommate. She expressed how good she feels here, and she decided to reside in the community. Mrs. Navarro highly recommends Palmetto Subacute Care Center to her family and friends. We recently had a new admission recommended by her.
We look forward to spending many years with Mrs. Navarro and supporting her at the Palmetto Subacute community!

Mrs. Navarro had a lot of improvements and progress. In the beginning, she could ambulate 40 feet with a rolling walker with minimal assistance, and she performed most of her ADLs with moderate assistance. Mrs. Navarro worked very hard with the team, and she gained in motor strength and improved her ability to perform all functional transfers with supervision. Her improvement in static allows her to tolerate higher levels of challenges in dynamic balances activities. The gait pattern improved to 350 feet using a rolling walker with supervision on level and uneven surfaces such as curbs, grass, ramps, and carpets. And she now performs all of her ADL’s with supervision.

We are very proud of Mrs. Navarro for her commitment and hard work! We are happy and grateful that she has chosen our community as her home. Thank you, Mrs. Navarro!